Our Commitment to Food Safety

Coastal Fresh Farms, Inc. recognizes the importance of assuring that the food we distribute is clean and safe. That is why we only deal with products that have passed rigorous food safety requirements.

CertiClean, EurepGAP, PrimusLabs and SENASICA are strict food safety programs that we adhere to in order to maintain a high level of safety for our products.


Primus Laboratories, a recognized specialist in food safety, monitors a company's adherence to food safety guidelines and mandatory government regulations through a safe-food, production certification and field auditing program.

LGMA Membership: At the heart of the LGMA program is the mandatory audit program that certifies member companies are implementing food safety practices developed by university and industry scientists, food safety experts, farmers, shippers and processors. These food safety practices were also reviewed by state and federal government health agencies. This set of food safety practices has been accepted by the LGMA and all LGMA member companies are subject to mandatory government audits on a regular, but random basis to ensure that the LGMA-accepted food safety practices are being implemented. The food safety practices cover five key areas:

  • General Requirements
    Member companies are required to have a complete food safety compliance plan, an up-to-date list of growers, and a written traceback program.
  • Environmental Assessments
    Pre-season and pre-harvest assessments are required to make sure conditions that can affect food safety, such as animal intrusions, flooding, proximity to animal feeding operations, etc. are not present, or have been properly mitigated.
  • Water Use
    Extensive testing and record keeping for all sources of water used in the production of leafy greens is required by the program.
  • Soil Amendments
    Extensive testing, certification and record keeping for soil amendments, including compost and fertilizers, are required by the program.
  • Work Practices and Field Observations
    Field audits verify that farmers are in compliance with the program’s requirements in the areas of worker practices and field sanitation.


The CertiClean program recognizes outstanding efforts to ensure the safety of food products throughout the chain of custody. CertiClean is a performance-based program. Companies certified to the CertiClean standard must demonstrate compliance to a rigorous HACCP Food Safety Management plan, including quarterly maintenance audits, employee training, and sampling and testing consistent with the relevant crop/food risk level. Such operations must also demonstrate that they meet or exceed applicable local food safety and sanitation-related governmental regulations.


EurepGAP is an internationally recognized set of farm standards dedicated to good agricultural practices (GAP). Through certification, growers and farmers can demonstrate their adherence to EurepGAP standards. For consumers and retailers, the EurepGAP certificate is reassurance that food reaches accepted levels of safety and quality, and has been produced sustainably, respecting the health, safety and welfare of workers, the environment, and in consideration of animal welfare issues. Without such reassurance, farmers may be denied access to markets. Bureau Veritas Certification understands all these issues and can perform the necessary audits to help you achieve EurepGAP Certification.


Our Mexico locations comply with the new mandatory regulations of GAP and GMP developed by the National Service of Sanitation, Innocuously and Quality of Agricultural Foods (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria).

Organic Certifiers

In order to sell, label, or represent products as organic, operations must follow all of the specifications set out by United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) standards. USDA-Accredited certification agencies, such as Organic Certifiers In, ensure that all organic crops, livestock, and agricultural products are in compliance with the regulations.